Monday, January 25, 2010

January 25, 1820

January 25, 1820 - About 11 A.M. , one of the mates aloft cheered us with the grateful note of "Land ho!"  The smiles of joy and glow of animation appeared through our little circle, and at 1 P.M. our eyes were gratified with a full view of the North Eastern part of Terra Del Fuege, stretching along 6 miles or more on our right.  This is the first we have seen during three months, since our dear native shores receded from our view.  But alas, how unlike our beloved N. England.  Here no temples of the living God left their lofty spires to heaven in honor to him who of old laid the foundations of these snow-capt mountains, and weighed their rugged hills in his balance.  No joyful sound of the church-going bell invites the wretched inhabitants to the feast of the gospel. - No sun of righteousness softens their icy hearts, while they not only cover themselves with the skins but actually wear the nature of the wild beasts of the forests.  When we think of our highly favored country we are ready to exclaim, "We shaall never look upon its like again!"  But while we have occasion to weep over the wickedness of men who dwell in these dark and dreary wilds and contrast their condition with our countrymen, we remember with grief that even there are many thousands who derive no saving benefits from the gospel, thousands who obey not nor even hear a preached gospel, thousands whose ears are saluted from Sabbath to Sabbath with the sound of the inviting church bell, whose feet never enter the santuary of God to worship in his presence, and thousands more who seem to breathe the atmosphere of Christianity, inhale the contagion of death, and labor to obscure the glory and prevent the efficiency of the life-giving doctrines of the cross.  But we are comforted with assurance that many thousands there will not stumble nor rest until all our coutrymen, and all the inhabitants of America from the northern to this southern extremity, and all the dwellers in the sea shall enjoy the best means of grace and salvation.  Is it too much to hope that a stream from that benevolence now rising in the American church will soon roil through South America, carrying health and salvation even to the cold regions of Cape Horn.

1 comment:

  1. The call to spread the Gospel was clearly evident here.
