Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 7, 1820

February 7, 1820 - Monday. - Advancing still rapidly toward the field of our trials and privations, we have today felt it to be of special importance to inquire diligently and seriously, what qualities of character are specially needful to the missionary in order to meet the trials, to endure the sufferings, and to perform the lablors of a missionary life, what are his peculiar wants; and what should be unitedly asked of God for those who are employed in propogating the gospel.  We find much to humble us and bring us on our knees - much indeed to encourage us.  Cheerfully have we this evening united with our brethren in America, and with the friends of Christ in different lands, in observing the Monthly Concert of prayer.  God was with us.  Our hearts were made to rejoice.  The affectionate and parting counsels of Brothers Fisk and Parsons were communicated; the design of Christ's kingdom and of this concert, and the promises of the gospel were contemplated, and the mercy seat approached, we believe, with great satisfaction.  We have new occasion to say the missionary cause has peculiar charms for us, and cheerfully will we wear out in its service.  Whether success or defeat shall be our particular lot, we are comforted with the firm belief the cause in which we are embarked and the best feelings of the church enlisted, will finally triumph, - the heathen will be converted, and to the praise of divine grace, it shall be everywhere known that there is a God in Zion who hears united prayer.

1 comment:

  1. The mission company was aware of their mission and the qualities they needed to pull it through. They needed to be able to meet the trials and endure suffering.
