Sunday, April 4, 2010
April 4, 1820
April 4, 1820 - At 10 o'clock this morning, 163 days from Boston, we came to anchor in Kirooah Bay, about 1 mile from the palace. Crymokoo, who still seems friendly to our cause, was soon sent for by Reehoreeho and was soon followed by Brothers Bingham and Thurston, Capt. Blanchard and Thomas Hopoo, to lay before his majesty the plan of our enterprise. Found him bathing in the sea with his mother and his first wife, landed, visited John Adams, a native chief who has acquired something of the English language and manners, also John Young who has long resided here and is now acting secretary to the King. Then waited on the King with the most important message that could be sent to any earthly potentate. Read the letter of Dr. Worcester to Tamh. and the letter of Capt. Reynolds to Tamh. and Reehoreeho, and had them interpreted by Mr. Young and Thos. H. and through them made known to his majesty the views of the American Board and the wishes of the Mission family. He seemed pleased with the object laid before hm, but far from being in haste to give an answer. All indeed, both king and chiefs, honorable women and common people, who spoke on the subject expressed their approbation the general term "Miti", i.e., "it is good".
April 3, 1820
April 3, 1820 - First Monday in april. Approaching Kirooah Bay, in sight of the King's residence. Expecting an interview with him tomorrow, so lift up our petitions in concert with thousands of the friends of Zion, rejoicing in the hope that he who has begun a good work here will carry it on to perfection.
Friday, April 2, 2010
April 2, 1820
April 2, 1820 - Lords Day, This morning Capt. B. and Brother B. visited Crymokoo and with him the most celebrated moreah of the Islands. It was built by Tamaahmoah who himself laid the cornerstone. It stands on the brow of a hill, fronting the seashore. It consists now principally of a huge wall about 10 feet thick at the bottom and 5 at top, 20 feet in a height, on three sides of the parallellogram which is about 120 feet in breadth and 240 in length; but on the front side the wall, instead of being elevated much above the area enclosed, consists of 4 or 5 large offsets down the declivity of the hill, which made convenient places for hundreds of worshipers to stand while the priests was within offering prayers and sacrifices of abomination. In this inclosure are ruins of several houses burnt to the ground, the ashed of various wooden Gods, remains of .... and other like buildings. the ashes and burnt bones of many human visitors, sacrificed to demons. At the foot of the hill is a similar enclosure 280 feet in length and 50 in breadth, which had been used for the sacrifice of various beasts and plants, &c. The walls and areas of these open buildings, once tabooed and sacred, are now free to every foot, useless and tumbling into ruins, and as upon the fallen walls of Jerico, every man goes up straight before him, to set up the banner of Jehovah, Israel's God. In the afternoon, Crymokooand his suit and visitors came on board with an intention to accompany us to the residence of the King. In the midst of these interesting Isles, surrounded with a listening and admiring group of natives, we attended public worhip on deck and offered prayers and praises to the God of Zion. Brother Bingham preached from Isa. 42.4. "The Isles shall wait for his law". and considered the character of the Law-giver; of the law waited for; of those who shall wait for it; the manner of waiting; the evidence that these Isles do now or soon will wait for it, and the consequences of receiving it. Tho' these Islanders could not now understand the precepts of the law of Christ, yet they harkened to the sound with almost perfect stillness and were pleased with our singing and our worship. One of the former queens had before requested that our Wihenes would make her a gown like their own, was told that it was the Lord's day, and that they would make it tomorrow. This evening they have spread their portable mats and tapas on deck and laid themselves down peacefully to sleep. May the watchman of Israel keep them, and bring them to heavenly rest.
April 1, 1820
April 1, 1820 - Tody Crymokoo and the two widows of Tamh., several other chief women, decently dressed came on board the Brig, having sent before them a present to Capt. B. of 3 hogs and 3 or 4 large bundles of sweet potatoes. This noble chief, after being introduced to the Mission family individually, and after the mutual salutations of shaking hands with the compliment, "Alloah," sat down with us to dine, and appeared with great civility. His appearance was much more interesting than we expected. His dress was a neat dimity jacket, black silk vest, mankin pantaloons, white cotton stockings, and shoes, plaid cravat and a neat English hat. He sometimes however wears the native dress. He manifested peculiar fondness for the children of Capt. C. When we made known to him something of our objects and wishes, he listened with attention and said he must see the King, and they must consult together about it and then let us know what they would say. As a token of friendship he presented to Brother Bingham a curiously wrought spear, which may serve for a pruning hook or for a curiosity to gratify our American friends. They were pleased to find we could speak easy phrases in their language, made themselves more agreeable that we could have expected, and then left us with apparently kind sentiments. We are encouraged to hope that we shall be allowed soon to take possession of these Islands for the church and for Christ, even without a contest with the priests of Idolatry, now reduced to a level with the lowest class. It appears today that in settling the affairs of government that the chief - who chose not to destroy his Gods, with a powerful party, resisted till he lost about 40 men and his own life - Crymokoo with the loss of 6 men, was victorious.
March 31, 1820
March 31, 1820 - The interesting intelligence of yesterday is confirmed today by a visit of Mr. Ruggles, Tho. H. and Tamoree to the residence of Krimokoo where they were kindly received and entertained. The widow of Tamh. sent us a present of fresh fish, cocoanuts, sweet potatoes, bananas, sugar-cane, breadfruit, &c., expressing much satisfaction that we had come to teach them good things.
Several natives came off to the Brig in the canoes, with some little articles of provisions, of their own manufacture, shells, &c. for the purpose of traffic. of them we inquired whether they had learned anything about Jehovah who had made Owhyhee and all things. They replied, that Reehoreeho the King had heard of the great God of the white people, and had spoken of him, that all the chiefs but one had agreed to destroy their Idols, because they were convinced that they could do no good since they could not even save their King. idol worship is therefore prohibited and the priesthood entirely abolished. - Sing, O Heavens for the Lord hath done it.
Several natives came off to the Brig in the canoes, with some little articles of provisions, of their own manufacture, shells, &c. for the purpose of traffic. of them we inquired whether they had learned anything about Jehovah who had made Owhyhee and all things. They replied, that Reehoreeho the King had heard of the great God of the white people, and had spoken of him, that all the chiefs but one had agreed to destroy their Idols, because they were convinced that they could do no good since they could not even save their King. idol worship is therefore prohibited and the priesthood entirely abolished. - Sing, O Heavens for the Lord hath done it.
March 30, 1820
March 30, 1820 - Let us thank God and take courage. Early this morning the long looked for Owahyee and the cloud capt and snow spt Mauna Keah appear full in view to the joy of the animated multitude on board (11 o'clock A.M.) We are now coasting along the noth-east part of the Island, so near the shore as to see the numerous habitations, cultivated fields, smoke rising in different parts, fresh vegetation, rocks, rivulets, cascades, trees &c. and with the help of glasses men and women,, immortal beings purchased with redeeming blood. We are much pleased, not to say delighted with the scene and long to be on shore. (4 o'clock - P.M.) Pass Mowe on the right. Having turned the Northern extremity of O. Capt. B. this afternoon sent off a boat to make inquiries respecting the king &c. Mr. Hunnewell, a mate, Thos. Hopoo, J. Tamoree and others, went nearly to the shore and fell in with 10 or 12 native fishermen in their canoes, who readily gave the importatn information that the aged King Tameamaah is dead - that Reehoreeho his son succeeds him - that the images of his Gods are burned - that the men eat with the women in all the Islands, - that one chief only was killed in settling the affirs of government, and he for refusing to destroy his Gods. - that Reehoreeho the young king, and Kiimokoo the first chief, sometimes called Billy Pitt, both reside at Owhyhee. If these are facts they are interesting facts, and seem to show that Christ is overturning in order to take possession and that these Isles are waiting for his law, while the old and decaying pillars of idolatry are falling to the ground. The moment seems favorable for the introduction of Christianity and the customs of civilized life, and our hopes are strengthened that there will be welcome. Whatever be the moral character and habits of the young king, we believe that these important particulars may with some confidence be rested on ; 1st that he is specially desirous for improvement in learning; 2nd that he has long been indifferent to Idol worship, that he is not unfriendly to the whites. Our hearts do rejoice, though we are disappointed in not being allowed to preach Christ to that venerable Chief, - and tho' we believe we shall have trials enough to give exercise to faith and patience, yet our hearts do rejoice to hear the voices of one crying, "In the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for your God".
March 28, 1820
March 28, 1820 - Lat. 19° N., Lon. 150° West. Within two or three days sail of Owhyhee. We have thought it desirable to observe this day as a season of fasting and prayer, that we may be better prepared to enter on our work with proper feelings of heart; with confidence in God; with penitence for our own sins, with gratitude for the blessings of gospel, with compassion for the wretched children of superstition, and with benevolence toward all intelligent beings and with faith in the blood and promises of Christ with reference to the salvation of the heathen.
March 27, 1820
March 27, 1820 - it is with peculiar emotions of adoring grattitude that we acknowledge the distinguishing goodness of God seasonably interposed for our deliverance this day. While Brother Whitney was assisting in painting the outside of the vessel, which he considered not only as pleasant and profitable, but needful exercise, the rope on which he held by one hand gave way and let him fall from a temporary scaffold into the sea. His weight, and the force of the ship entirely broke his hold from the rope and left him astern calling for help. Capt. B's orders were promptly executed, and the Brig, tho' under full sail at the rate of 6 or 7 knots an hour, was "hove to" in less than 5 minutes and stopped sailing. In the meantime Br. W. whose perfect self-possessed skill in swimming enabled him successfully to buffet the waves after one or two had broken over him happily gained a small bench which had been providentially carried on deck a few minutes before, and was thrown overboard to serve him as a temporary buoy. On this he was easily sustained after it had once or twice deceived him by rolling, tho' his strength was considerably exhausted. Never before did the Mission family know how much they loved him. In 5 minutes more the boat was cleared away and let down, and sent to his relief, which reached him in about 5 minutes at the distance perhaps of 1/6 of a mile. Before the Boat set off, he raised his hat and waved it, lest his anxious wife should be too much distressed, and then composed himself in prayer; while many on board were, in this "soul-trying hour" lifted up to God in fervent petitions that he would spare his life for his appointed work among the gentiles. Not far from 21 minutes after he fell, by the blessing of him who had said, "When thou passest through the waters I will be with thee", he was safely returned and joyfully received on board and welcomed with many tears, and with thanksgiving to our strong deliverer who saved the sinking Peter, and who was now equally present with his saving help. Assembled this evening and presented our united thank offering to our covenant Father who is our "very present help in trouble", who can at once deliver those who trust in him, from the waves and from the monsters of the deep, and with equal care "from the floods of ungodly obligation".
We acknowledge too, our obligation to Capt. B. and others under him, not only for the kind sympathies which they manifested but for the prompt and efficient aid which they extended to our brother in distress. As the best return which we can make, may we be enabled to exhibit equal sympathy, promptitude, and efficiency in seeking their salvation. We hope this interesting providence will do us all good, make us feel more deeply the importance of constant preparation for our unexpected summons, produce in us a more cheerful spirit of laborious diligence in the work which we believe God has designed for our brother and the rest of us to do among the heathen, who without aid must sink in endless perdition.
We acknowledge too, our obligation to Capt. B. and others under him, not only for the kind sympathies which they manifested but for the prompt and efficient aid which they extended to our brother in distress. As the best return which we can make, may we be enabled to exhibit equal sympathy, promptitude, and efficiency in seeking their salvation. We hope this interesting providence will do us all good, make us feel more deeply the importance of constant preparation for our unexpected summons, produce in us a more cheerful spirit of laborious diligence in the work which we believe God has designed for our brother and the rest of us to do among the heathen, who without aid must sink in endless perdition.
March 26, 1820
March 26, 1820 - Lord's Day. - We suppose the present to be the last Sabbath of our passage. Brother Thurston preached on deck a seasonable discourse from Prov. 14, 9. "Fools make a mock at sin." May the Lord add his blessing. Mr. Cooper, the officer before mentioned, gives some evidence of an important change in his feelings; his external reformation is very apparent, and his conversation agreeable.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
March 22, 1820
March 22, 1820 - Proposed some important measures of economical polity for the regulation of our domestic concerns. Some objection being offered by one of the brethren, against one of the principles established by the Board with respect to common- stock, the passing of the Byelaws was postponed till tomorrow evening.
March 20, 1820
March 20, 1820 - Special mercies received in answer as we believe to special prayer. in the case of a member.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
March 19, 1820
March 19, 1820 - Lord's Day. - Favored with the privilege of public worship on deck. The attentive audience listened to a discourse from Luke 23: 39-43, in which the prominent and distinguishing doctrines of grace were illustrated by Br. B. Our only hope with respect to the seed sown is in God who giveth the increase. Tamoree absented himself from public worship as he often does from our family devotions. He has, to our grief, expressed some skeptical views respecting Christianity. His intercourse with a Deist on board has been no serious advantage to him. We still hope the Lord will save him from the power of the enemy and make a blessing and not a curse to his countrymen.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Saturday, March 13, 2010
March 13, 1820
March 13, 1820 - The heat is more oppressive in passing the Equatorial regions than it was in the Atlantic. We have had the sun more nearly vertical for a greater number of days. Yesterday the mercury stood at 84° belowdeck, and at 124° in the sun.
Today another shark has been caught with a hook, and a second this evening seized and held for some time but at length escaped. So the quickened sinner sometimes breakes away at the moment when he seem to be fastened by the truth and almost drawn into the kingdom of Christ.
Today another shark has been caught with a hook, and a second this evening seized and held for some time but at length escaped. So the quickened sinner sometimes breakes away at the moment when he seem to be fastened by the truth and almost drawn into the kingdom of Christ.
Friday, March 12, 2010
March 12, 1820
March 12, 1820 - Lord's Day. - Held our meeting below. When the hand bell rung for public service on deck, a sudden change of wind and a shower prevented it, so that we repaired to the cabin and enjoyed a favored season where we believe the giver and hearer of prayer has often been present.
The voice of opposition today, tho' painful, gives us cheering evidence that the spirit of God has begun a good work which we devoutly hope and pray may be carried on in the case of the affair before mentioned. We occasion to rejoice in the assurance that the wrath of men shall be made to praise our God and that the remainder he will restrain. How weak and insignificant are honor, wisdom and power when opposed to the allwise and omnipotent Jehovah.
The voice of opposition today, tho' painful, gives us cheering evidence that the spirit of God has begun a good work which we devoutly hope and pray may be carried on in the case of the affair before mentioned. We occasion to rejoice in the assurance that the wrath of men shall be made to praise our God and that the remainder he will restrain. How weak and insignificant are honor, wisdom and power when opposed to the allwise and omnipotent Jehovah.
March 11, 1820
March 11, 1820 - Lat. North 2° Long. West 115°. Again we have entered our own hemisphere. We have this day special occasion to acknowledge the kind providence of God. About one o'clock P.M. there was a calm and several of the brethren, and some others, having been denied the privilege many weeks, allowed themselves to enjoy the pleasant and healthful exercise of bathing in the Ocean. Not long after they were safely out, while one of the sailors was employed in painting the bowsprit, with his feet in the water, a common sized shark was seen to approach him. Had he not been seasonably warned to avoid the monster, he might have lost a limb, if not his life. The shark then played or rather raved around the brig with the boldness and fierceness of a hungry tiger. By the dexterity of George P. Tamoree and one of the mates a snare was fixed upon him. Then flouncing like a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke he seized, with violence the end of a strong pole and tho it broke many of his pointed teeth he held fast until by the pole and ropes he was drawn on board. The mingled emotions of our company, arising from a sense of danger escaped by the gracious interposition of our divine and strong deliverer, evinced by tears and congratulations, cannot easily by described. On opening the shark, there were found a porcupine fish and a large beef bone which had been thrown overboard by the cook at the time the brethren were bathing, so that he could not have been far distant at that time. But while we acknowledge this deliverance from unknown and unexpected danger, we regard it as an admonition to be always watchful and guarded when surrounded with dangers and enemies, and as a kind intimation that the same hand that shut the mouth of this Lion will also shut the mouth of the roaring Lion and so far as his cause requires it will mercyfully deliver us from the power of ungodly men and all that rise up against us.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
March 7, 1820
March 7, 1820 - Last evening we were favored again with a precious season in observing the Monthly Concert. When we look back 4 weeks to our last concert on the 7th of Feb. and see the distance we have sailed and the very great and constant prosperity with which we have been favored we have reason to believe that the blessings of heaven have been showered down upon us every day in answer to the prayers of that concert. We have passed, in this short period, almost the whole distance from Cape Horn to the Equator, that is about 50° Northing and 30° Westing. It is the opinion of some of the officers that no vessel ever passed more rapidly or prosperously from the Cape to this place than the Thaddeus. We rejoice on our own account, but more on account of the cause we have espoused. No reproach can now fall upon the cause of Missions under the pretense that the business of commerce is shackled or hindered by it. We rejoice, too, in the hope that our next monthly concert will be attended on heathen ground.
Friday, March 5, 2010
March 5, 1820
March 5, 1820 - Lord's Day. - Lat. S. 3 . Weather variable and rainy. Disappointed in not having privilege of preaching on deck. A meeting in the morning for prayer and exposition of the Scriptures, and in the afternoon a lecture below from Jonah 1:6. We acknowledge the necessity of increased zeal and activity in the cause of divine Master. This evening one of the mates expressed some concern for his salvation. May He who loves to see the wandering prodigal return, hear our prayer and graciously guide and receive him. O for the reviving and sanctifying Spirit of God to carry on his glorious work.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
February 27, 1820
February 27, 1820 - Lords Day. - This morning our little church solemnly renewed their covenant with God and with one another.
At 12, Brother Thurston preached, on deck from Ps. At 4 P.M., after a sermon from Br. B. from Matth. 25: 26, 27, 28, on the significancy, the nature, and the tendency of that holy ordinance, the church was allowed to sit down at the Lord's table, and to commemorate his dying love in the communion of his body and blood. It was a favored season. The day was truly interesting and happy. Seldom if ever have we been invited to this supper under circumstances more truly interesting and affecting. We chose the cabin where our little church of 17 members were like the family of Christ at the institutuion of the supper, furnished with comfortable seats around a large semicircular table, on which the elements and covenant vessels were placed and easily passed round, while the light propitious breeze bearing us gradually onward with the unsearchable riches of Christ, the peaceful sea, and the very gentle motion of the vessel could scarcely be considered as the least inconvenience. We have reason to believe that he who thus kindly ordered every circumstance was graciously present at his table and grantng us answers to the prayers of sister churches in America, and also to our unworthy petitions. A lecture on self-examination preparatory to the celebration of the supper had been given Friday evening preceeding from I Cor. 11:28, and it is believed that every member made special efforts to be in readiness and we hope it will promote our growth in piety, cement our union and increase our strength and our preparation for our work which seems now ready to employ our hands. Our next communion may be in the midst of the worshipers of Akooah. May they soon be prepared for a worthy participation.
At 12, Brother Thurston preached, on deck from Ps. At 4 P.M., after a sermon from Br. B. from Matth. 25: 26, 27, 28, on the significancy, the nature, and the tendency of that holy ordinance, the church was allowed to sit down at the Lord's table, and to commemorate his dying love in the communion of his body and blood. It was a favored season. The day was truly interesting and happy. Seldom if ever have we been invited to this supper under circumstances more truly interesting and affecting. We chose the cabin where our little church of 17 members were like the family of Christ at the institutuion of the supper, furnished with comfortable seats around a large semicircular table, on which the elements and covenant vessels were placed and easily passed round, while the light propitious breeze bearing us gradually onward with the unsearchable riches of Christ, the peaceful sea, and the very gentle motion of the vessel could scarcely be considered as the least inconvenience. We have reason to believe that he who thus kindly ordered every circumstance was graciously present at his table and grantng us answers to the prayers of sister churches in America, and also to our unworthy petitions. A lecture on self-examination preparatory to the celebration of the supper had been given Friday evening preceeding from I Cor. 11:28, and it is believed that every member made special efforts to be in readiness and we hope it will promote our growth in piety, cement our union and increase our strength and our preparation for our work which seems now ready to employ our hands. Our next communion may be in the midst of the worshipers of Akooah. May they soon be prepared for a worthy participation.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
February 24, 1820
February 24, 1820 - Favorable winds have speedily brought us to the region of the regular trades, where we now enjoy the steady and propitious breezes. With the exception of a few hours, since the 8th inst. we have been sailing N.W., directly towards the S. Isles. Today we pass the Tropic of Capricorn and again enter the Torrid Zone in which we expect to end our days. Here again we would call upon our souls to bless and praise the divine goodness that has thus far covered us with so much prosperity.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
February 16, 1820
February 16, 1820 - The hold has been opened and many articles put up by our friends for the mission examined. 'Tis pleasant to have such testimonials of love to Christ and the heathen. Other testimonies of his love we desire to acknowledge and record, as comfortable health, a good measure of peace within and without and general properity. - Few changes of special note since doubling the Cape.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
February 11, 1820
February 11, 1820 - no entry.
As we do not have any entries for the next few days. I thought it would be interesting to share some of the objects the museum has in its permanent collection which came with those on board the Thaddeus. I will also try to share images from our archive of those who came with the pioneer company.

This is Reverand Bingham's Trunk. It is part of Mission Houses Museum's permanent collection and was brought on board the Thaddeus with him.
As we do not have any entries for the next few days. I thought it would be interesting to share some of the objects the museum has in its permanent collection which came with those on board the Thaddeus. I will also try to share images from our archive of those who came with the pioneer company.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
February 8, 1820
February 8, 1820 - After running so long and so directly on our course, at 7 o'clock this evening we are conducted westward by the same overruling and uncontrolled hand. Possibly that hand may conduct us to the Society Isles where Christianity has so lately and so gloriously triumphed. Nothing could be more agreeable to our feelings, if that should be the good pleasure of the Head of the church, than to visit the dear Missionaries at Otaheete and Eimio, to sit down with the good Mr. Orsmond and others and converse with them on the great things of Christ's kingdom, to see the state of schools and churches there, to learn the method of instruction, and the means of establishing most speedily and effectually the institutions of christianity in the Sandwich Isles, and obtain such facilities for our work as could easily be afforded there. But in this and every other case we must learn cheerfully to say the will of the Lord be done.
Today the shipmen caught a porpus, the first fish that we have taken since our embarkation if we except one turtle and a half a dozen flying fish that came on deck of their own accord.
Today the shipmen caught a porpus, the first fish that we have taken since our embarkation if we except one turtle and a half a dozen flying fish that came on deck of their own accord.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
February 7, 1820
February 7, 1820 - Monday. - Advancing still rapidly toward the field of our trials and privations, we have today felt it to be of special importance to inquire diligently and seriously, what qualities of character are specially needful to the missionary in order to meet the trials, to endure the sufferings, and to perform the lablors of a missionary life, what are his peculiar wants; and what should be unitedly asked of God for those who are employed in propogating the gospel. We find much to humble us and bring us on our knees - much indeed to encourage us. Cheerfully have we this evening united with our brethren in America, and with the friends of Christ in different lands, in observing the Monthly Concert of prayer. God was with us. Our hearts were made to rejoice. The affectionate and parting counsels of Brothers Fisk and Parsons were communicated; the design of Christ's kingdom and of this concert, and the promises of the gospel were contemplated, and the mercy seat approached, we believe, with great satisfaction. We have new occasion to say the missionary cause has peculiar charms for us, and cheerfully will we wear out in its service. Whether success or defeat shall be our particular lot, we are comforted with the firm belief the cause in which we are embarked and the best feelings of the church enlisted, will finally triumph, - the heathen will be converted, and to the praise of divine grace, it shall be everywhere known that there is a God in Zion who hears united prayer.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
February 6, 1820
February 6, 1820 - Lat. 53° S. Lon. 78° w. - In many respects a pleasant sabbath. The Lord has greatly smiled upon us during another week, in delivering us so speedily from the Cape. Had this course of winds arisen a little sooner instead of proceeding directly on our course, we must have stood away upon the other tack, running South and East to avoid the danger of the weather inclement, but enjoyed our prayer meeting both in the morning and afternoon, and was enabled with joy to say again, "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. He still gives us favorable winds without and a comfortable state within. - Brother and Sister Ruggles scarcely able however to attend public worship.
February 5, 1820
February 5, 1820 - Last night was one of the most toilsome for the sailors that that we have had since our embarkation. The wind fair and strong and the sea exceedingly rough to day, and the waves break over deck repeatedly. But still we have great cause for thankfulness that we are wafted rapidly towards a milder climate.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
February 4, 1820
February 4, 1820 - Bearing North West with a fair S. West wind we continue our march towards our destination, aided by the good providence of God.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
February 2, 1820
February 2, 1820 - This morning finds us rejoicing in prosperity. A fair wind from the South West sets our faces directly toward the scene of our anticipated labors. We are now 10° or 12° west of Cape Horn, and feel much as if we were on our way home. Capt. B. says again we could not ask for a better wind. Mercury this evening at sunsetting is 44°, that is 12° above feezing point at the close of a long summer day.
Monday, February 1, 2010
February 1, 1820
February 1, 1820 - Today we pass the meridean of the Foreign Mission school in Cornwall, Conn. U.S.A., sailing westward 7 or 8 knots an hour. During 24 hours we have made nearly 5 degrees. Our respected Capt. B. says therenever could be a better chance to get west, from the cape, and that if this wind should continue another day, he should then be desirous to turn more to the north.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
January 31, 1820
January 31, 1820 - This day is also a season of rejoicing. The voice of health contentment and praise, gives the cheerful response to the breeze of properity. Peace without and peace within, while we are rapidly borne westward into the waters of the Pacific. Lat. S 58° Lon. W. 68°. The days are long, having about 17 hours sun, and the twilight continues through the short night, keeping along the Southern horizon. At sunsetting the mercury stands at 46 Fahrenheit. Though it is but little past midsummer here, it requires a winter dress to make us comfortably warm.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
January 30, 1820
January 30, 1820 - Lord's Day. - This region of terror we find to be the place of our rejoicing. No Sabbath, perhaps, since our embarkation has been more interesting or happy than this, or deserves a more grateful rememberance. This day we double Cape Horn. and write upon it "Ebenezar." We enjoyed our meeting in the morning as usual. At 4 P.M. as it was too cold and rough to meet on deck, we assembledd in the cabin and attended a public lecture by Br. B. from I Sam. 7:12, in which after giving an exposition of the passage he endeavored to show the prevalence of the ancient practice of wording special favors, and perpetuationg their memory by significant names, grateful songs or monuments of praise. 2ly. The utility of the practice as it tends to promote gratitude; - to waken a sence of obligation when inclined to murmur; - to give comfort in adversity; - to promote confidence in God; - to increase the knowledge and the praise of God; - 3 ly That it is suitable and important that we should this day record the distinguishing goodness of our God to us and here erect our monument of praise. The service was closed by singing the following original Hymn designed as our monument and entitled,
Jan. 30. Cape Horn. 1820. 1 Sam. 7.12.
1. With joyful hearts and grateful praise,
our Helper, God, thy name we hail,
Our Ebenezer here we raise,
While round thy stormy Cape we sail.
2. Conducted by thy sovereign hand,
Mysterious, mighty, wise and good,
We left our friends and native land,
To toss upon the raging flood.
3. Then adverse winds our course delayed
And dangerous currents rolled below,
Thy voice the roaring tempest stayed,
And made the breeze propitious blow.
4. From want, from pestilence, and death,
Defended by they gracious care,
To thee we raise our tuneful breath
Our Rock of Help forbids our fear.
5. This waymark in the trackless seas,
Fixt by his hand who rules above,
The tempests of six thousand years
Have ne'er been able to remove.
6. So shall our grateful record stand,
That, "Hither by thine aid we come"
No will we trust thy constant hand
To bring our souls in safety home.
Having thus publicly erected here our Ebenezer, of praise, as we hope, to the God of our Salvation, we desire forever hereafter to remember his signal and undeserved goodness. We desire that the name of our divine Helper may be glorified by future navigators when they double this cape; by our Patrons and benefactors when employed in the same work; by our Patrons and benefactors when they see that their prayers are thus far answered, by the rising and future generations both in heathen and christian lands, when they look on the map of the world and remember that the first Christian Mission to the Sandwich Isles passed the dangerous region of Cape Horn, singing the praises of the God of Zion, for his smiles upon the enterprise and for his gracious assistance thus far.
Jan. 30. Cape Horn. 1820. 1 Sam. 7.12.
1. With joyful hearts and grateful praise,
our Helper, God, thy name we hail,
Our Ebenezer here we raise,
While round thy stormy Cape we sail.
2. Conducted by thy sovereign hand,
Mysterious, mighty, wise and good,
We left our friends and native land,
To toss upon the raging flood.
3. Then adverse winds our course delayed
And dangerous currents rolled below,
Thy voice the roaring tempest stayed,
And made the breeze propitious blow.
4. From want, from pestilence, and death,
Defended by they gracious care,
To thee we raise our tuneful breath
Our Rock of Help forbids our fear.
5. This waymark in the trackless seas,
Fixt by his hand who rules above,
The tempests of six thousand years
Have ne'er been able to remove.
6. So shall our grateful record stand,
That, "Hither by thine aid we come"
No will we trust thy constant hand
To bring our souls in safety home.
Having thus publicly erected here our Ebenezer, of praise, as we hope, to the God of our Salvation, we desire forever hereafter to remember his signal and undeserved goodness. We desire that the name of our divine Helper may be glorified by future navigators when they double this cape; by our Patrons and benefactors when employed in the same work; by our Patrons and benefactors when they see that their prayers are thus far answered, by the rising and future generations both in heathen and christian lands, when they look on the map of the world and remember that the first Christian Mission to the Sandwich Isles passed the dangerous region of Cape Horn, singing the praises of the God of Zion, for his smiles upon the enterprise and for his gracious assistance thus far.
January 29, 1820
January 29, 1820 - Soon after the last evening sacrifice, and at the very hour of prayer among our friends in our native land, the arm of the Lord was stretched forth for our help, and the winds began to blow favorably. This morning we find with no small satisfaction, our loss speedily and entirely regained. The unexpected appearance of the Cape cheers every heart and calls forth our praise and gratitude to him "whom winds and seas obey."
(12 o'clock) While looking out for the Island south of C. Horn, a sail heaves in sight, tossing like ourselves upon a rough sea, but on a different course, sometimes full in view, and sometimes entirely below the waves. We trust she is American and most gladly would we send communications to our friends if possible. (3 o'clock P.M.) The sail discovered passed rapidly a few miles to the Southeast of us, and is out of sight, on her way doubtless to our native shores, where our friends and helpers dwell, and we hasten our march upon the mountain wave towards a foreign land. The Brig sails nobly in these seas. It was remarked by one of the mates, that no vessel was ever in better trim for passing the cape.
(12 o'clock) While looking out for the Island south of C. Horn, a sail heaves in sight, tossing like ourselves upon a rough sea, but on a different course, sometimes full in view, and sometimes entirely below the waves. We trust she is American and most gladly would we send communications to our friends if possible. (3 o'clock P.M.) The sail discovered passed rapidly a few miles to the Southeast of us, and is out of sight, on her way doubtless to our native shores, where our friends and helpers dwell, and we hasten our march upon the mountain wave towards a foreign land. The Brig sails nobly in these seas. It was remarked by one of the mates, that no vessel was ever in better trim for passing the cape.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
January 28, 1820
January 28, 1820 - "The sea wrought and was tempestious" during the night, and the wind and current continued strong from th West during the day. Too, the last 24 hours we have made nearly 2 degrees Easting, and 40 or 50 miles Southing. The former is considered as a lose. Our hearts were somewhat tried to be driven away from our course, and as it were from our object. just at the moment when we seemed to be turning the goal to bend our way toward the Northwest. But though we had an almost sleepless night, and though the commotion of the elements continuous, we are not denied the comfort of a good degree of calm resignation, and unshaken confidence.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
January 27, 1820, 10 o'clock P.M.
January 27, 1820, 10 o'clock P.M. - At 8 this evening while our vessel was tossing upon the rising billows, her sails close furled, her decks washed with a heavy spray continually breaking over, and while a strong west wind from it roared through her rigging drifted her towards the South East, we assembled, as usual for evening prayers, read the 46th Psalm, and sung the 83rd hymn of the Select., acknowledged the good hand of our God upon us in his past undeserved favors, endeavored to lay ourselves peacefully at the feet of divine soverignty, and to implore the kind protection, the sure guidance, and the continued presence and blessing of his whose unfailing goodness constrained us unitedly and devoutly and joyfully to say "Hitherto hath the Lord helped us." (Closed this interview with the 84th Select. H. Hothen). Though even now his waves and his billows are going over us we have great cause for gratitude that we are now so far from land as to be comparatively free from danger. This gale, had it been commissioned a few hours sooner might have dashed us on the rocks of Staten Land. But the Captain of our Salvation is our pilot, and we will not fear. "The Lord of Hosts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Refuge."
January 27, 1820
January 27, 1820 - 10 o'clock. A.M. - With a fine morning, and a fair breeze which sprang up soon after last evening sacrifice, we find ourselves delivered from the dangers of Le Maire and rapidly and pleasantly advancing toward our turning point, the place of hope and fear. (One o'clock) While at the rate of 8 knots an hour, the Brig serenely cuts her way, the long looked for cape rises full in view and all our hearts leap for joy. But in the midst of congratulations, which we gratefully acknowledge that our times and seasons are at the disposal of an allwise providence, it becomes us to rejoice with trembling lest we should not sufficiently glorify God. (2 o'clock, P.M.) The wind rises - dark clouds hover round. - the approach of a whirlwind is announced - all hands are ordered on deck - the sails are filled, - the dead lights in, - the companion way closed, and we are imprisoned below deck, - For a moment our Heavenly Father seems to hold the rod over us. (1/2 past 2 P.M.) The wind subsides - a gentle rain descends, - and light breaks in again. We know that he who made Cape Horn, and placed it as a waymark which the tempests of 60 centuries have not been able to remove can conduct us around it in safety. - nor shall whirlwinds nor storms prevent us from erecting upon it, in the name Jehovah, the "Rock of our Help," the Ebanezer of the Owhyhean Mission. (3 o'clock, P.M.) The wind rises again, - All hands are called. The waves lift themselves up. - and our little trembling, tottering bark with its invaluable freight, yields to the opposing currents and lightly bends her course towards the South. (4 o'clock, P.M.) The sun breaks out in the clear western sky, while the dark tempest, passing off to the East, bears down upon the waters of the Atlantic, and leaves us running briskly South, and the cape gradually sinks behind a pleasant sea. - (6 o'clock, P.M.) A stiff breeze and heavy sea from the west. (1/2 past 6) The sun shuts in behind the cloud. A squall approaches. (7 o'clock, P.M.) The sun breaks out again and smiles. Thus rapid are our changes. Thus transitory are our scenes, and thus fluctuating the joys and sorrows of mortal life.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
January 26, 1820
January 26, 1820 - Last night Capt. B. chose to lie by rather than proceed lest falling into the "straits" of Le Maire he should be becalmed in the night and drifted ashore. We are now in the "Straits" of L.M. - Del Fuigo on our right and Staten Land on the left, on both of which among their towering rocks, we can discover banks of snow now in the midsummer. We have a little hail today. The mercury in our thermometer stands at 58 f . We entered the strait early in the morning with a fair wind which, however, subsided at 10 A.M. before we had quite passed through and we were carried back by the current 19 or 20 miles. During this recess we were much interested by discovering two men kindling a fire on the beach. Our attention was first attracted by the rising smoke; then by the help of our glasses, the men could be very distinctly seen. But whether they were natives of the Island about their ordinary business, or endeavoring to attract our notice, or whether they were ship-wrecked mariners making the usual signal of distress, and imploring our aid, we could not tell. Of what name or nation soever they may be, they have awakened our compassion, and were it in our power we would gladly extend to them the hand of kindness and the voice of consolation, and affectionately tell them that a Savior lives in heaven all powerful and gracious, who died for them, and who is ready to afford his aid, and if they will obey him, to give them eternal life and receive them from these tempest beaten shores to the peaceful mansions of heavenly rest.
Monday, January 25, 2010
January 25, 1820
January 25, 1820 - About 11 A.M. , one of the mates aloft cheered us with the grateful note of "Land ho!" The smiles of joy and glow of animation appeared through our little circle, and at 1 P.M. our eyes were gratified with a full view of the North Eastern part of Terra Del Fuege, stretching along 6 miles or more on our right. This is the first we have seen during three months, since our dear native shores receded from our view. But alas, how unlike our beloved N. England. Here no temples of the living God left their lofty spires to heaven in honor to him who of old laid the foundations of these snow-capt mountains, and weighed their rugged hills in his balance. No joyful sound of the church-going bell invites the wretched inhabitants to the feast of the gospel. - No sun of righteousness softens their icy hearts, while they not only cover themselves with the skins but actually wear the nature of the wild beasts of the forests. When we think of our highly favored country we are ready to exclaim, "We shaall never look upon its like again!" But while we have occasion to weep over the wickedness of men who dwell in these dark and dreary wilds and contrast their condition with our countrymen, we remember with grief that even there are many thousands who derive no saving benefits from the gospel, thousands who obey not nor even hear a preached gospel, thousands whose ears are saluted from Sabbath to Sabbath with the sound of the inviting church bell, whose feet never enter the santuary of God to worship in his presence, and thousands more who seem to breathe the atmosphere of Christianity, inhale the contagion of death, and labor to obscure the glory and prevent the efficiency of the life-giving doctrines of the cross. But we are comforted with assurance that many thousands there will not stumble nor rest until all our coutrymen, and all the inhabitants of America from the northern to this southern extremity, and all the dwellers in the sea shall enjoy the best means of grace and salvation. Is it too much to hope that a stream from that benevolence now rising in the American church will soon roil through South America, carrying health and salvation even to the cold regions of Cape Horn.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
January 23, 1820
January 23, 1820 - Blessed with a peaceful and delightful day, with favorable seasons for worshiping God, and with the preaching of the everlasting gospel while coasting along the regions of Patagonia which are denied the blessings which we and our friends at home enjoy. In a discourse from Amos 4.12. "Prepare to meet thy God." Bro. Thurston explained and enforced the duty of preparing to meet God in judgment. We believe it was a word in season to our souls.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
January 20, 1820
January 20, 1820 - Another whalesman appeared but we had not the opportunity to her though we passed very near her.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
January 19, 1820
January 19, 1820 - Just obtained the first sounding since we left Boston, in 65 fathoms of water, off cape Helena. Three vessels are now in sight. Two of them appear like men-of-war and the third is a Brig. Whether friends or foes we know not: but we are always gratified to see a sail, and when one appear we never fail to think of home. - P.M. A huge spermaceti whale has just appeared and approached very near our Brig. His head seemed to be covered in part with sea-shells. After elevating the upper part of his head and monstrous back above the surface of the water repeatedly, and through the large orifices on the back part of the head, blowing up the briny spray, he descended and passed our stern, and after rising again to the surface, tossed his broad tail high into the air, and went down again to the chambers of the deep, thus he obeys the voice of God. - The maneuvering of the three vessels indicate that they are whalemen, probably English.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
January 13, 1820
January 13, 1820 - A school of whales appeared, extending along two miles, sporting and spouting and making the deep to boil like a pot. Heavy gales from the S.W. have given several of the family severe colds.
Lat. 42
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
January 12, 1820
January 12, 1820 - no entry.
Lucia Ruggles Holman, a member of the pioneer company of missionaries, made the following entry in her personal journal, "Cold, stormy day, off the coast of Patagonia, opposite Cape St. Joseph's Lat. 42 -40. Begin to feel the effects of C. Horn.
Cold. blustering winds and high seas which seem as if they would throw poor Thaddeus on her "beam-ends" as the sailors say. Not unfrequently a sea takes her broadside, and breaking, overflows the whole deck, sweeping all before it - and one time came well-nigh taking our Captain overboard. It might be called a hairbreadth escape. The report is "like the thundering cannon of the day of judgment."
I sometimes feel a little afraid because there is danger of our masts being taken away- but generally feel composed, and as safe as on Terra-Firma. He "who holds the seas in his fist and taketh up the Islands as a very small thing," can, and will surely protect all such as put their trust in him.
My health is better to-day than it has been in a month past. I am consequently very happy - I have learned 6 sentences in Owhyhee, read 2 pages in the "Materia-Medica," written 3 pages in my journal, drank a toast with Capt. Blanchard, besides spending a half hour in idle chit-chat with Mr. Loomis about our want of room and convenient accommodations, as our neighbors have, our station being in the cabin where all the commotion and news of the day is passing. I have accomplished all this since breakfast and is the greatest day's work done since I came on board. Dined on baked pork and beans - nothing wanting but a good appetite and a thankful heart."
Journal of Lucia Ruggles Holman, reprinted by the Congregational Church of Brookfield Center, Connecticut in 1992.
Lucia Ruggles Holman, a member of the pioneer company of missionaries, made the following entry in her personal journal, "Cold, stormy day, off the coast of Patagonia, opposite Cape St. Joseph's Lat. 42 -40. Begin to feel the effects of C. Horn.
Cold. blustering winds and high seas which seem as if they would throw poor Thaddeus on her "beam-ends" as the sailors say. Not unfrequently a sea takes her broadside, and breaking, overflows the whole deck, sweeping all before it - and one time came well-nigh taking our Captain overboard. It might be called a hairbreadth escape. The report is "like the thundering cannon of the day of judgment."
I sometimes feel a little afraid because there is danger of our masts being taken away- but generally feel composed, and as safe as on Terra-Firma. He "who holds the seas in his fist and taketh up the Islands as a very small thing," can, and will surely protect all such as put their trust in him.
My health is better to-day than it has been in a month past. I am consequently very happy - I have learned 6 sentences in Owhyhee, read 2 pages in the "Materia-Medica," written 3 pages in my journal, drank a toast with Capt. Blanchard, besides spending a half hour in idle chit-chat with Mr. Loomis about our want of room and convenient accommodations, as our neighbors have, our station being in the cabin where all the commotion and news of the day is passing. I have accomplished all this since breakfast and is the greatest day's work done since I came on board. Dined on baked pork and beans - nothing wanting but a good appetite and a thankful heart."
Journal of Lucia Ruggles Holman, reprinted by the Congregational Church of Brookfield Center, Connecticut in 1992.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
January 10, 1820
January 10, 1820 - no entry.
As our authors did not make a journal entry on this day, I thought it might be interesting to share a bit of information about the ship on which the missionaries were sailing. The Thaddeus was a brig. This brig measured 85 feet 5 1/2 inches long, 24 feet 7 1/2 inches wide and 13 feet 2 inches deep.
As our authors did not make a journal entry on this day, I thought it might be interesting to share a bit of information about the ship on which the missionaries were sailing. The Thaddeus was a brig. This brig measured 85 feet 5 1/2 inches long, 24 feet 7 1/2 inches wide and 13 feet 2 inches deep.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
January 9, 1820
January 9, 1820 - We have been gratified today by the exhbition of some of the works of God in the mighty deep, particularly the appearance of several whales, the first we have seen, a shark, and a multitude of porpuses. But the manifestation of divine favor to sinners, the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ is still more interesting. This is a favored Sabbath. The comfort and aid of the Spirit seem to have been enjoyed by the covenant people of God, in good measure. The broad and benevolent design of Christ's kingdom: the certainty of its universal prevalence, and the duty of promoting its interests were set forth in a sermon from John 10, 16 by Brother Thurston. After a tossing boistrous week the Lord of the Sabbath speaks peace to the winds and waves and peace to our souls.
Lat. S. 40. Lon. W. 50
Friday, January 8, 2010
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
January 5, 1820
January 5, 1820 - Last evening as we were retiring from prayers in the cabin, a tremendous sea broke over the stern of the vessel. It disengaged a large coop filled with vegetables and bottles carrying it over the tiller or helm with such force as to beat off the boards from the opposite side of the Brig, and the next moment sending it back to the side from which it was first taken. By the same sea Capt. Blanchard was almost instantaneously dashed twice across the quarter deck from side to side with considerable bruising and with manifest danger of being carried overboard. Capt. Chamberlain had nearly reached the top of the stairs, and Mrs. Bingham who stood at the bottom, about to go on deck, both received a pretty heavy shock and showering from the torrent which poured down the companion way. But the glorious and omnipotent arm of our Savior afforded kind and seasonable protection. May our hearts be filled with adoring and unceacing gratitude to him,
"Who rides upon the stormy skies
and manages the seas."
"Who rides upon the stormy skies
and manages the seas."
January 4, 1820
January 4, 1820 - Off the mouth of the Rio De La Plate. - We are this morning experiencing a gale from the north. The violence of the wind has split several of the sails. We are now running under bare poles at the rate of 7 or 8 miles an hour. We reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man. The tossing mountains around us skip like rams, and the hills like lambs. The foaming surges lash the trembling sides of our little bark and drench her decks; while the rain like hail pelts the poor sailors as they cling to the whistling rigging and the spray of the sea sweeps over the surface like the driven snow on a northern winter's day. But he who said to the raging tempest, "Peace be still," can and does afford us protection, and give us peace within.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
January 3, 1820
January 3, 1820 - Yesterday, "The Holy Rest," was in the morning somewhat disturbed by the catching of a large turtle, for which purpose it was necessary for the ship's company to let down a boat and spend considerable time The afternoon was pleasant. We had service on deck where a New Year's sermon was delivered by Brother Bingham from Luke 4, 19, "To preach the acceptable year of the Lord." After an introduction and an explanation of the text, he endeavored to show that by a due regard to our sins. our mercies, our engagements and our instructions of the past year, we might reasonably expect the New Year would be to us and to those with whom we may have intercourse, an acceptable year of the Lord. Mrs. C. is threatened with a fever.
This evening we have attempted to join with the Christian world in the great monthly concert of prayer for the prosperity of Zion, and the salvation of the Heathen. A letter dated in Boston and signed A.G. containing an earnest request for our prayers in behalf of the writer when we should be far from her, also the farewell letter of Brother Cornelius to the mission, were read and made the foundation of some remarks with respect to the feeling which our American friends cherish towards us, and to our correspondent duties.
This evening we have attempted to join with the Christian world in the great monthly concert of prayer for the prosperity of Zion, and the salvation of the Heathen. A letter dated in Boston and signed A.G. containing an earnest request for our prayers in behalf of the writer when we should be far from her, also the farewell letter of Brother Cornelius to the mission, were read and made the foundation of some remarks with respect to the feeling which our American friends cherish towards us, and to our correspondent duties.
Friday, January 1, 2010
January 1, 1820
January 1, 1820 - This day we joyfully hail the New Year with the hope that it will be to ourselves and our friends and the church an acceptable year of the Lord, and to the Heathen nations, especially to the Sandwich Islands the year of Jubilee, of spiritual emancipation from sin after the gloom of servitude of Fifty Centuries. The day is exceedingly fair, and the family generally in health with the exception of slight indisposition in the case of Brothers Ruggles and Whitney.
Lat. 8, 32°, 30', Lon. W. 43°
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